Apologies in advance, this may be rather long. Actually, there's no 'may' about it, it's going to be long, heh.
As many of you will be aware, we've been rather quiet when it comes to getting content out for the best part of 3 years now, since the sad demise of RuntimeDNA. This has been due to a combination of circumstances, none of which need going into here, because it would probably just sound like whinging and moaning. which is not our style. Suffice to say, 'shit happens', sometimes more than others. That's the way it goes, and all anyone can do is try to make the best of it, or at least survive.
However, after every night comes a new dawn, and the glimmers of that new dawn have been getting stronger just recently. Yes, this night has been very long, and very dark, but as is inevitable, nothing lasts forever.
Since our new day is about to dawn, we feel it would be a good time to let you all know what's happening. As well as taking the opportunity to thank you all for your support and belief. You guys rock, and make this all worth doing.
So let's get to the good stuff, which is all the fun things that everyone will soon have opportunity to render. This is a selection of the outfits that we've created during the long dark night, which for a variety of reasons never made it to the finishing line. There are quite a few more actually, but these are the furthest progressed so will be the first out of the door. As you can see they're all rigged, and they have all their morphs done. Basically, all these outfits just need finalising and they'll be along. So without further ado, let's have a quick run through them one by one. :)
This is one of the largest of the sets that we're finishing up, with 14 layered clothing cr2's, plus an additional 7 props. Of all these outfits, this is the most recent and we've really pushed ourselves on it. It's probably the outfit we're most excited about finishing up, because it's one of the most complex sets we've ever made.
This is the longest to get there of all these outfits, and will be the first to see the light of day, or rather the light of our new dawn. This one comes with 6 clothing cr2's plus 19(!) props and a whole heap of texture options across all the clothing figures. Best of all, it's going into freestuff. A little thank you to you all for all the years of support.
This one we've wanted to do since we did the Templar, which would be some time ago now. 8 clothing cr2's plus 2 smart props. It may still get one more clothing figure as an extra option. Or possibly two. Looking forward to lots of rendering fun with this.
This one was intended to try and keep the notorious Stan in check. Heh, good luck with that, because you can't keep a good (read, evil) clown down. Comparatively simple with just 8 clothing cr2's. However, the whips (left and right) as well as conforming to M4's hand also utilise EZPose for great poseability.
Because we make a lot of art set in a feudal/medieval/fantasy -esque setting, you've got to have peasants. A simple set, with just 5 clothing cr2's, this will likely be the first of a few serfs and peasants who'll be inhabiting our fantasy world.
We both love doing fantasy art, and of course that requires a Wizard to join all the other character classes we already have. (warriors, Necromancer, Rogue, Hunter, Priest we already have). 7 clothing cr2's plus at least 2 smart props.
Woodsman, Peasant and Wizard have already made appearances in our own art because we just couldn't resist. As we've always done, we create this stuff first and foremost for use in our own art, so once things can be used, they will be used. Even if we have to make small allowances for things that aren't quite finished.
In addition to all the clothing, we're also have characters, props, hair, props with lights. Basically a lot of the stuff that we love making art with.
Again, a really huge thank you to everyone who supports us, and especially to the good folks on the Renderosity staff, who have been very patient with us, as well as making us feel right at home. You've all been super fantastic and we are so thank ful to be surrounded by such great artists who are also really wonderful people. Each and every one of you rock!
The Woodsman will be in the next few days. We have 1 prop to texture and 3 thumbs to make, then you'll all be able to go grab it.
As always, Happy Rendering
Best wishes
Andrew and Tracey